Why are quality marks so important?

The market for pipe supports is characterised by variety of products and often by a confusing number of different technical specifications. Due to the different assessment procedures, comparing the technical details of different national and international suppliers is very complex.
Consequently, RAL quality marks make it possible to objectively assess the technical standards of pipe supports offered by different manufacturers.
Furthermore, the quality marks stand for proven quality, reliability and safety on construction sites and, as a consequence, protect planners, tradesmen and women, architects, home builders and trade outlets.
Benefits for the trades | Benefits for planners and architects |
No matter if you plan, monitor or install, the benefits are there for all to see.
The technical standard of a pipe support is a decisive factor to determine its suitability for the task in every application. It goes without saying that a product is not selected purely based on its mechanical characteristics – quality, service, availability and, naturally, the price are some of the decision-making criteria that need to be taken into consideration.
However, without reliable technical data selecting a product is a lottery. Consequently, the mechanical load bearing capacity is a core criterion for planning, installation and using pipe supports.
Pipe supports are today still considered to be all the same. That is not the case. There are considerable differences. Some differences are easily recognised – others are invisible to the naked eye. The quality marks pipe supports and fire-tested pipe supports make these differences visible. They create clarity and ensure the technical data of pipe supports is a reliable source of information.
The products bearing the RAL quality mark are subject to high demands and must fulfil the stringent standards set by the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification.
That is why the quality marks are a byword for the highest quality and attention to detail as well as continuous impartial testing!

Reliable monitoring
The RAL quality mark guarantees products are continuously subjected to regular inspections and monitoring by an impartial, independent test institute. Before the quality mark is awarded the individual product series undergo an initial impartial test. Then the products are monitored by an external, renowned test institute. In addition, members offering quality assured products are obliged to continuously monitor and document the production of their products in-house in accordance with defined rules.
Technical monitoring
The test methods and monitoring give you the certainty you expect. The technical details of the quality assured products are determined and monitored by an independent test institute; consequently, the technical details of quality assured pipe supports represent a reliable aid to orientation and not simply subjective information provided by the manufacturer.
Indicators of a pipe support
The technical data of quality assured products are determined according to a common standard. The use of common terminology to describe technical details in the technical documentation and sales catalogues makes it easier for you assess the products.
That makes it possible to compare all of the products bearing the quality mark according to the same easy principle. That gives you a complete overview of all the details.
The RAL quality marks "pipe supports" and "fire-tested pipe supports" endorse pipe clamps, brackets, mounting rails and accessories whose high technical standard and quality have been proven in extensive impartial tests.
The organisations behind the quality marks: